I was recently going through a tough time and my friend said, “You just have to have faith. Keep believing.” But have you ever gotten tired of believing?

Faith is a tricky thing. First of all, the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is also believing that what you are trusting God for is on it’s way, and living like you already have received it. Sounds pretty impossible right?

I think sometimes it’s easy to have faith, but often it’s downright exhausting! Having faith for a little while – I think most of us can do that. But when what you are believing God for takes time, it gets really difficult to keep on trusting and believing.

And don’t think that the Bible offers any consolation either. Just look at Joseph, for instance. He had a dream at 17 that God would make him a powerful ruler. But what followed that was slavery, wrongful accusations and prison! It took 13 years for Joseph to see God’s promise come to pass in his life.

Then we have Abraham. He and his wife were unable to have children, yet God promised that he would not only have a son, but also that his descendants would outnumber the stars. How long did he wait for that promise? 25 years!

I know when we look at these examples, they are frustrating and depressing. So what can you do if you are tired of believing?

Here’s some things I remind myself of:

  1. God works outside of time: For Joseph and Abraham, those years waiting must have seemed like an eternity. But with God, a day can be like 1 000 years and 1 000 years can be like a day. No matter how long it is taking for you to see His promise unfold, the one thing  you can know is that it will happen. One day, someday, somehow, you will see it in your life. God is not a liar. His promise must come true for you.
  2. Lean on a friend: When your faith is running low and you are just too tired to believe anymore, find a friend who can strengthen you and encourage you. Friends can have faith for you when you don’t have the strength to have faith for yourself. That’s the power of friendship and community.

I know this life of faith isn’t easy, friend. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it! It may not be easy, but I know it will be worth it.

I am praying for you right now that God would strengthen your faith and send you great people who can believe with you.

We will see God’s promises fulfilled in our lives. Of that I am sure!

If you feel lost and without hope in this world, a relationship with God is the only answer. We would love to talk to you more about this. Click on the link below or on the pop-up to find out more.

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