Music is one of the most powerful atmosphere controllers. It can set the tone externally, but also can regulate our internal thought lives. It heightens emotions – bypassing logic to connect with your soul. It can calm you as it directs your thoughts without you even realizing it. Not only does it belong behind films or in the clubs, it can hold its own in your private life.
Personally, I enjoy ambient music playing in the background while I work or spend time alone. Here are a few of my favorite ambient albums that I’ve come to enjoy:
Without Words Synesthesia – Bethel
This album is compiled of instrumental versions of Bethel Worship’s greatest songs, with some originals in there as well. It is masterfully constructed, with contemplative, intimate tracks interspersing some grander tracks that are beautifully layered. It is in itself a beautiful world of wonder that pushes the boundary when it comes to communication through music. The absence of the words also allows you to sing along and contemplate their meaning in new ways. Check out ‘It is well’ below.
Atomos – A Winged Victory for the Sullen
This duo has produced some great work that creates a broad canvas on which the reverberating manipulated synths and acoustic instruments are projected with a light touch. Their art lies in the music’s simplicity and mixing, with the changing volume of various sounds creating the depth some instrumental albums lack. The gradual building of sound is done masterfully – in a way that seems to narrate the rosy-hued epiphany of some well-shot indie film. Check out Atomos VII below:
Gravity (Bonus Track Version) – Ben Lukas Boysen
This album holds the greatest balance of technological and acoustic sounds. The simple high frequency white noise in tracks like Only In the Dark is the kind of genius that pulls the listener into a world where everything feels more. It’s an internal nourishment that goes straight to the soul. But just before you think there is endless echoing, there are some excellent uses of drums and percussion (as found in Nocturne 1) – as well as some more disturbing tones in the music fabric of track such as Vega. Check out To the Hills below:
I must confess, the main reason why I love music like this is because it helps me focus on God. There is no better way to turn your focus away from the world around you than to put some headphones in, close your eyes and speak to the God who created you. There are no words to distract – and you can read the Bible or journal while engaging in the most deeply personal conversation we were created for. That daily conversation is the very source of my life. If you have a relationship with God – maybe try these tracks out next time you set aside a moment to connect with Him. If you don’t have that relationship with God, I want to encourage you to click on the link below. God made us so that we could KNOW Him – it’s the greatest purpose we will ever have.