Life is full of complications and rough seasons.  Just when you think you’re making progress, you discover you’re in lack. Just when it seems you’re conquering, you stumble.  What is it about life that makes it so hard for us to stay afloat and keep our heads above the water?

Our biggest problem is that we try to conquer and overcome in our own ability, which most times is from a place of weakness.  As humans we have this ‘I’m going to try and fix it on my own first’ approach. When we fail, because we will fail, then we run to God and apologize profusely, and beg Him to take charge of the situation because we simply can’t figure it out.

No matter how bad life seems, or how dark the clouds may get, even if it rains and storms, remember God promised that there is a rainbow at the end of every storm.  This, just once again proves His incredible love for us; that even though we endure tough times in life, He always turns a dark situation around for the good of those who love Him. He even decorates us with a beautiful rainbow of love, just to remind us of how amazing He really is and how valuable we really are!

If you need hope for your future and need help seeing the rainbow through the storm, please click on the banner below.