It’s a strange thing to ask, but what is the worth of a woman? I mean, most people would say that you can’t attach a price or value to a human, yet without knowing it we all seem to do it. I think it can be said that these days a woman’s worth isn’t generally measured by what she stands for or by the sacrifices she makes for her family, but rather by more superficial things like the way she dresses, her appearance and even those with whom she associates.
In today’s society, women are lead to believe that in order to have value, they need to live and behave in a certain way. The result; women are forced to be something they are not, just to please others. As a man, I think I am qualified to even go so far as to say how funny I find it that as men we say that we love the woman in our lives. Yet, how often do we even find ourselves being not content with allowing them to be completely who they are?
Frankly, I think it’s about time that we start to show women the worth that they deserve. Not because they have done something to earn it, but rather because it is their right. Every woman has value. I love the picture of a woman depicted in Proverbs 31, specifically verse 30 – 31
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise”
You see our worth isn’t found in the opinions of others, but rather in the eyes of God, the one who made us. We were never created to be anything less than that of the highest worth. We are of such value to God that not only did He create us in His image, but He also sent his only son to die for us.
So what is my challenge for you? That we may choose to view each other the same way that Christ views us, with the highest of worth. Never forget, in God’s eyes there are no favourites, we are all equal.
If you are struggling with feeling that you have low worth or perhaps know someone who feels this way, please contact us. We would love to chat to you.