Christmas, a time of joy, peace, love and family. Where no one is scared to spend a little extra in order to buy their loved ones the biggest and best gifts. The shops are full of people looking for that perfect present. Malls are filled with Christmas decorations and display cabinets offering the best prices. We can’t escape the constant onslaught of adverts and offers. And we all know that we don’t want to be the person who gives someone a below par gift. We are willing to go as far as putting ourselves in debt just to please our loved ones.
This is the Christmas we have all become accustom to, a Christmas based on the amount of gifts you receive or the size of the meal you prepare. But is this really what Christmas is about, or have we somehow lost the true meaning along the way?
The honest truth is yes, Christmas has become a time of mass consumerism, where gifts have seemingly replaced the importance of quality family time and above that, the actual significance of why we celebrate the day in the first place.
Christmas, in its very definition, is a day set aside to celebrate the birth and life of Jesus. Jesus was not born so we could have an excuse to buy each other gifts, but rather to be the ultimate gift to humanity. God loved us so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that we may have life and life to the full. He is and will always be the reason we celebrate Christmas.
So this Christmas don’t allow yourself to be caught up in the hype of spending excess money, but rather focus your attention on who Jesus is and what he has done for you. We have already been given the greatest gift, Life.