I recently read an article about a couple who just celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. People rarely live long enough or, sadly, love long enough to be able to have an article written about the length of their love.
This couple’s love story was highlighted and circulated and praised and admired.
Because seventy-five years is a long time to love the same person day after day. But here’s a more striking truth: God has loved you for well over six thousand years. Before you were born or even thought of by anybody other than Himself, He loved you. Before He set stars in motion and before He established the mountains, His love designed a way to win your heart and draw you to Himself.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” (Jeremiah 31:3)
Your God has loved you longer than the mind can comprehend, deeper than anyone has ever loved you, and with more loyalty than the love you have for the person you love the most. His love defies time. It started more than six thousand years ago, proved itself on the Cross more than two thousand years ago, has continued to this very day, and will have only just begun the day we enter the eternity waiting for us.
If His love was anything less than tenacious and loyal, He would have tired of you and me long ago.
His love holds on, never stops, never tires, and never gives up. His love will never let you go.
“We love Him, because He first loved us.”(1 John 4:19)
If you would like to know more about this incredible love and see it come alive in your own life, please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows. We’d love to hear from you!
Devotional content courtesy of www.thoughts-about-god.com