The gift of perspective.
You’ve lost everything, your job, your house, your car, your partner and worse your self-belief. The world seems pointless; the days drag by and with every passing week your self-esteem reaches new all time lows. You are trapped in a vicious cycle, with no way of getting out.
This scenario sounds all too familiar.
More and more people wake up to this reality every day, it’s not something that is uncommon it today’s society. With greater financial and social pressure, more and more people are finding themselves in this very situation.
But does this have to be the end of the road; has your life amounted to nothing?
The truth is, no matter what situation you find yourself in, there is still hope. You are not a lost cause; you just need a new perspective. You can choose to view your situation as negative or allow yourself to rise above it. I know it sounds easier said than done, but you won’t be doing it on your own. There is a hope and love greater than any of our understanding that is with you, that hope is known as Jesus. Just like in the video, we have a choice. One that has the ability to take our situation and turn it around for good. That is the choice to allow Jesus to take the wheel, to allow him to deal with our problems and give us a new beginning.
I’m not saying that everything will be easy going, we all face challenges and trials but the beauty is that we no longer have to face them on our own. Your current situation doesn’t have to predict the rest of your life, but rather let it become a stepping-stone to something greater.
The gift of a new perspective is a beautiful thing. So why not make a decision to change your perspective today.