Having a daily routine is very important for anyone trying to stay motivated and on task. I know, for myself, without a routine I would be at the mercy of my easily distracted mind. I have many interests and therefore many temptations to get off the path to productivity at any moment. This is not to say that you should never do anything on a whim or have time to just play around. This is very important for keeping a healthy balance in your life. But concerning the time that you choose to “get things done” I find that routine is king. 

The benefits of routine:

  • Sleep patterns.

This should on the top of your list. Going to bed and getting up at the same time everyday is very important. Not only does it clearly set your internal clock, which allows for deeper sleep, but it gives your mindset a clear starting and stopping point each day. Think about like this. If you work 9-5 everyday than you eventually train yourself to be in work mode during those times which can really help your productivity. But if you’ve ever worked a job that had constantly changing hours you probably know the struggle that occurs to get yourself in work mode. One week you’ve got the day shift and the next the night shift. Toward the end of the week you may start to get used to the current shift only to be shaken up again the following week.

  • Meals.

It is also important to eat your meals around the same time every day. Not only does it give you a sense of consistency but it also helps keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day (assuming your eating when your body needs the fuel and food that aids in it’s health and well being). I would also suggest eating the same or similar type of food for each meal. So if you find that eggs, toast and milk is a good breakfast for you than make that your breakfast everyday. Not only will you know for sure that it will work day after day but it will be one less decision to distract you from the more important things in your day. (I know that some people need to mix it to enjoy the meal and that is fine. Just try to keep it similar it type so you can rely on the same kind of fuel everyday.)

  • Getting ready for the day.

I would suggest that you get ready for your day as soon as you can. I do so right after breakfast. Depending on what you do everyday you may have no choice but to do this already. In my situation, I often have the choice to stay in my PJ’s until late morning. But I have found that until I brush my teeth and get dressed for the day I am not quite in full “work” mode. And I’ve also found that if I am not dressed and ready to go when I get an unexpected call from a client, I will feel more caught off guard. So, if you can, try to do whatever needs to be done to be ready to walk out the door. Then, even if you just end up going back to your computer (or whatever you do in the mornings) you’ll be more prepared for whatever comes your way.

  • Lay out the things that have to get done.

Make sure that by the time you are into the flow of your day, you have a clear idea of the things that have to get done. Then, as you make decisions and take action, you will do it with these tasks in mind. There’s nothing more frustrating than laying in bed at the end of the day knowing that you didn’t accomplish the “Must Do’s” on your to-do list.

  • Exercise.

If you don’t already, try to incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine. It gives you a way to escape from the stresses of the day as well as builds your strength and endurance to take on more challenges. And did I mention the fact that it makes you feel really good too? If you already do exercise every day I would just make sure that you do it around the same time if you can. This, like the other steps of the day, will give your mind something to count on.

  • Family and friends.

Try not to ever miss this daily task. It is greatly important that you clearly incorporate your family and friends into your daily routine. If you don’t they will most certainly become something that you do “if you still have time”. So make sure to not only have a set time to enjoy their company but feel free to spend time with them whenever you can.

  • You time.

Everyday you should have a time when you can sit back and just BE. Kind of like a mini vacation, this is a time when you don’t have to answer the phone, reply to emails or even talk to anyone if you don’t want to. Try to make it a time and location that allows for the most relaxation for the best affect. Without this kind of time you will not only get less done throughout the day but you will eventually burnout from stress and frustration. For me, this time is in the morning when I first get up. Since I wake up at about 4:30am I have the world to myself and everything is peaceful and quiet. I look forward to this time at the end of each day and when I have a particularly stressful one I absolutely crave it!

The common theme you see in the above information is that of consistency. I talk a lot about doing the same things at the same times and in the same way. You may think to yourself that this is counterproductive. That this will stifle the imagination and put you in a rut. But the opposite is most often the case. By having these things laid out for you each day you are freeing your mind from having to make all of these decisions and allowing it to focus more intensely on the decisions that matter most. Think of a soldier in combat. Does that person have to think about where their weapon is or how to use it? Of course not! Does this hinder the soldier in their ability to meet the goals set before them? Absolutely not! Because using their weapon feels like breathing to them, they are able to put 100% of their focus on their objectives with no distractions whatsoever. In addition to the already stated benefits, by doing what you know works, everyday, you are avoiding the things that may not. All it takes to knock you off track is ONE BAD DAY. And what better way to avoid a bad day than to repeat a good one over and over?

So what things work for you and how do you stay on task to meet the goals of the day?

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