As many will now be aware, needless and evil tragedy has yet again hit our world! For those of us in Africa, we’ve just woken up to the heart-breaking news of a deadly shooting, which took place a few hours ago in Charleston, South Carolina, United States of America, which authorities describe as a ‘hate crime’. The story is still unravelling at the time of writing this article. A white male, believed to be in his early 20s, walked into Emanuel AME Church, known to be an historic African-American church formed in 1816, during an evening prayer meeting and opened fire, leaving 9 people dead and few others injured.
CNN’s Don Lemon brings the latest on the South Carolina church shooting in the video below:
“The only reason that someone could walk into a church and shoot people praying is out of hate.”
These are the words of the Mayor of the City of Charleston, Joseph Riley, and we at 1Africa see this tragic occurrence to be no different. Hate has led a person to go into an environment as peaceful as the church, and end the lives of people who were praying; a bit too much to comprehend but it is the sad reality of our world.
As sad as this leaves us, it’s also in a way a “hard knock” reminding us how much our world is in desperate need of love and hope. We at times take for granted the ability to simply love the next person, regardless of the colour of their skin, and just respect the fact that they too are a human being. And today it is our earnest desire that humanity reaches that place of love. In saying this, we also know that love in its purest form, which has no jealousy or anger can only be made possible in our hearts by the author of love and that is God. Many have the desire to look past differences of skin, background, and education and love truly, but often our human limitations and errors fail us. If you are that person looking to make a firm decision to be ruled by love and be free of hate, please click on the banner below and allow us to share with you more about the unconditional love of God.