There are many voices all around us that seek to influence our choices. These voices can come from social media, people around us, our friends or even our families. Sometimes these voices come from within. We can often be our own worst enemy. So amidst all these influencing voices, how can we keep a level head? How do we go about silencing the voices that want to lead us astray?

Know what you believe

This may seem easy but it’s far more difficult than it seems. More than ever, our generations needs to live by convictions. There is a well-known saying that says, “If you don’t believe in anything, you’ll fall for everything.” It’s crucial that we know what we believe about who we are and what we’ve been put on the planet for.

Speak it out

When I feel insecure or unsure of myself, I speak God’s truth about me over my life. What I have found very helpful is to take a few verses from the Bible and write them out. Placing them on your mirror or by your bedside helps you to remember to speak it out. The Bible is full of verses that tell you who you are.

Keep going

Whenever I sense a nagging voice telling me I can’t do something, I spring into action. Often, the only way to silence the voice is to keep going. When you feel like quitting because you don’t have what it takes, just do it anyway.

As we live with conviction, speak the truth of God’s Word and don’t give up, we can silence those negative voices that want us to fail.

If you would like to know more about who God created you to be, we would love to chat to you. Click on the link below or on the pop up.

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