I’m a quick thinker. Things move through my brain, are processed and move out at a rapid rate. I don’t like waiting in lines. I don’t like indecisive people. I don’t like feeling stuck or as if I’m not moving forward in life. I don’t like untapped potential and I don’t like unmet goals. I’m driven – perhaps a little bit too driven and perhaps a little bit too caught up in my own ability to get stuff done.

One of the most difficult places to be in life is the big, grey in-between. It has no end and no beginning. It leaves you feeling sad, depressed, unsure and unsuccessful. It’s the place between what you know you are capable of and where you see your life. It’s the places between your dream for your future and the reality you wake up to every day.

What’s the answer? What do we do when we are stuck in the in-between? How do we move through this space and what if it never ends? Here are some thoughts to navigate you through the waters of the unknown.

If God didn’t give you your dream would you still follow Him?

Many times we grow up with a sense of entitlement. This entitlement quietly says to us: “If God loves you, He will give you your dream.” This is not a correct way of looking at God. Does a loving parent always give their children exactly what they want? No!

Our life is not about us. It’s not about us chasing our dreams and becoming rich and famous. Our life is instead, about God, His ways and helping people. When you frame your dreams on things like this then you find that all of a sudden they change or they become less urgent.

Are you relying on God to bring about things in your life, or are you focused on your own ability?

Yes, we must work hard, make good choices and be disciplined with our lives. But, there are things about life that no matter how hard we strive forward, we can not change or control. These things are where faith steps in. Even if you do all the right things, life can (and will) still throw you curve balls.

In these moments you are going to have to ask yourself if you hold more tightly to your own ability to make things happen or if you are able to release control. Sometimes our dreams are taken away from us for years simply so that we can learn the lesson of trusting God and letting go of our pride.

In the waiting seasons great lessons are learned.

Children who get everything they want are never nice or successful people. Life doesn’t work this way, and nor does God. In the in-between what is in our heart comes drifting to the surface – the negative attitudes, the self-pity, the bitterness and the unforgiveness.

God wants to test our hearts and characters. He wants us to learn about what is in our hearts and learn how to deal with it. In the times of waiting, we suddenly become aware of what is going on in our inner worlds. This forces us to deal with the important things that have taken root in our hearts and heads instead of the outward things like getting the accomplishments we think we deserve.

It’s about character, not accomplishment

Who you are matters more than what you have done. Yes, you can win the Nobel Prize for Physics, but if you are a horrible and unhappy person, what does it matter? We have to be careful that we don’t pick up the value system of the world around us instead of God’s value system.

In the world you are given points for big houses, lots of money and popularity. In God’s economy, you are given points for how you treat other people, what you do with your day to make the world better and the degree of integrity with which you approach every moment.

If you feel like you are in an in-between, or a place where you can’t see what is next, here’s what you do: stop focusing on the dream. Focus on the present you have been given and focus on listening to God as He refines your character. Let Him show you where you can change. Lift your eyes to Him and give Him glory. As you do this, you will often find that the things of this earth will fall into place.

Do you have questions about Jesus or would like to know more? We would love to connect with you. Just click below to send us your questions!