We catch up with local folk artist from Durban, South Africa, Nhlanhla Majozi, and chat to him about his recently released ep, entitled Marvelous light, as well as his music video for the song “The River“.


R: So you just released your brand new EP “Marvelous Light”, why did you decide on making “The River” the first single to be released.

M: Well my friend (Warren Meyer), who owns Doppler studios, where I recorded, thought it would be a cool song as first single. I think generally for the upbeat vibe. Got a second opinion from Brad Klynsmith from Gangs of ballet, he agreed with us so that was that.

R: Tell us a little more about the song.

M: The song was inspired from a scene in O Brother where art thou. (Awesome movie) The main characters follow a group of people singing a gospel song down to a river where they eventually get baptised.
I liked the Southern kinda feel behind the song and the concept of writing a song with a river involved in it. Eventually months later I came up with a tune and this idea of telling two seperate stories of people who seemingly had no hope, but they both found they’re hope Down by the River

R: The video was shot and edited really well, who directed and conceptualised it?

M: TIm Hay (owner of Hellmot Productions) Directed my video. He is so awesome, and I’m super grateful for the awesome job he did. We sat down together and came up with some basic ideas based on the lyrics of the song. He took those ideas to the next level and brought them to life. The best thing is he lives down the road. So that made my life easier.

R: Are you planning on shooting another video for any of the other songs?, if so, which one?

M: Not sure about the next video yet. I’ve got a few ideas, but you’ll have to stay tuned to see what happens.

R: Your songs seem to hold nothing back when it comes to declaring your faith, was that intentional? What is the thought behind the message you want to communicate?

M: I just want to make good songs that everyone can enjoy, and feel uplifted from. I’m passionate about Jesus and I think that comes out in my song writing because its who I am and what I know. I hope that my songs are good enough for everyone to enjoy. Regardless of where you are in life, but I hope at the same time they let people know, that there is hope and an open invitation to a greater story. Everyone is invited, and you can come as you are.

R: Where can people get hold of your music?

M: Right now only on itunes.

R: Are you planning any tours around the country, where can we catch you live?

M: Ya! Planning on hitting Cape Town and Joburg a few times this year, and of course my awesome hometown, Durban. I don’t have any confirmed dates yet, but check out majozi.co.za for those dates when they come.

R: Thanks for the interview, any final words?

M: I am just an ordinary guy, who has been given extraordinary oppurtunites. I’m overwhelmed with all the support I’ve got so far and my friends and church (Linc Church) have been so awesome in supporting me. This journey has been amazing. Thank you to everyone!! Love you guys so much, and Rash, you are my hero and an all round super legend. Thank you!