Last week-end I watched social media networks break into a frenzy of celebration at the news that the United States’ Supreme Court has legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states of America. From the White House to the streets of America, there’s been a bright splash of rainbow colors accompanying the celebrations. It was a huge event, but what caught my attention most in all this, was the trending hashtag #LoveWins.

Passing this law was to the LGBTQ community a victory, hence the hashtag #LoveWins. We’re often quick to claim to love, but most times, the true meaning of love just eludes us. Needless to say, we’ve seen far too many sad stories or perhaps have experienced them ourselves, where someone would offer their significant other the world, putting in unimaginable amounts of resources to celebrate a marriage union that only lasted two months. It always seems to be love at first, but is it always love?

We live in a world with divided opinions on matters of love. When we hear “love”, we tend to assume we know what it’s about, but this one word “love” has proven to have a somewhat different and unique meaning to each person. When it comes to marriage though, we at 1Africa are not ashamed to declare that we believe it is a sacred union meant to exist between a man and a woman.This is not on the basis of anything other than our understanding of how it is defined in the Bible – the book we use as a manual for living. This is really not about hating anybody.

So, as I scrolled down Twitter pages over the week-end, I kept seeing “love wins” trending like a flu, so I began reflecting on one undying love I know that has always won the day – the true and unconditional love of God. See, this love is for everyone, no one has to fight or defend themselves to obtain it. God’s unconditional love is one whose victory was never ruled by men in a court of law but on a cross in an act of sacrifice, where through His son Jesus, God laid down His life, so that today whoever calls on God, any day, any time, from anywhere, will receive His love, care and compassion. If you would like to know a bit more on the love we are talking about, or engage in a conversation, please click on the banner below