Love is…

If love is love, is it possible that it may all be encapsulated into a string of words, bringing into captivity what love truly is in pursuit of its true meaning? Is it at all probable to quantify love and narrow down its magnitude into mere superlatives?  Is there a chance that perhaps love has a switch which opens floodgates of overwhelming currents and make them cease in the blink of an eye. Perhaps love has a sell by date and with time loses its potency, rendering it an expired product unsuitable for use. Is love perhaps an invisible agent, possessing chemical properties which only become apparent with rigorous experimentation? Whatever love is, whatever it is not, I am convinced love is not a creature resembling mythical gods, neither is it a fleeting feeling but rather a conviction arrived at by choice.

A conviction we assume only and only when love, ceases to be a feeling, passing season or a chemical substance, only proven by litmus tests.

To know love comes from having known He who loves without a shadow of doubt…

Have you ever been so loved

Your lover deciphered your name while your lips were yet without form to utter the word

Have you ever been so loved

The one you call dear proclaimed you the apple of His eye, the jewel in an incorruptible crown

Have you ever been so loved

Angels were your armed guard summoned to sing you a lullaby to cradle and gently rock you to sleep

Have you ever been so loved

You were called dear heart and lovedy the moment your lover set eyes on your very form

Have you ever been so loved

In the presence of THE ONE, “I” and “you” cease to exist only to be found as empty shells of grammar

Have you ever been so loved

Time became the only space between the present and the majestic reality embodied by undying hope 

Have you ever been so loved

Streams from lands unknown sweep your all and make deposits into the sea where desire in unknown

Have you ever been so loved

A fine mural was painted for you, the breadth  and width of the expansive earth we now see

Have you ever been so loved

The stars adorning the night skies danced from the east to the west at the summoning of your beloved

Have you ever been so loved

A harp of countless strings, strums a gentle whisper that tells you sweet SOMETHINGS

Have you ever been so loved

Mountains trembled and succumbed, bowing and giving way to the Lover’s scepter in your hand placed

Have you ever been so loved

The promise to give you the world is unquestionable and endorsed in a blood covenant

Have you ever been so loved

Your Lover’s jealousy burnt down kingdoms when your affection but for a moment deflected towards another

Have you ever been so loved

Nothing at all mattered but YOU, for the matter strewn the unverse in its entirety was NOTHING at all

Have you ever been so loved

Love was neither mere concept nor action but the very essence making up the sum of the ONE who loves

Have you ever been so loved

Petals and pals were spared the agony of determining to the tugging questioning if the lover loves or loves not

Have you ever been so loved

You would consider my enquiry a mere jibe and pathetic attempt at poetic composition