There are moments in life where nothing makes sense. Every avenue you take leads to a cul-de-sac and you simply do not know where to turn to.
There are days I think perhaps life is just all about challenges, difficulties and no time to rest, kick back and enjoy life. When will all this come to an end? This is the question I’m asking myself right now.
The more I think about what is not going right, the more I look to what’s broken and what’s hurting, I lose focus. Then life appears to be one big mess. But surely there is more to life, there must be meaning to what’s happening around us, whether good or bad. There must be a ‘big picture’ in the end. But how does one get from a place of confusion to the promised life that’s ahead?
Whenever I’ve faced tumultuous seasons, the only way I got through them was by looking to God. He alone offers stability I can rely on when life seems unbalanced. The thing with God is, He is not shaken or surprised by what you are going through. And unlike what we sometimes believe, that God is far, He is disconnect from our problems or doesn’t really know what we’re feeling; God is very present when we call on Him. With Him you have a relationship that doesn’t depend on you good deeds. He loves you unconditionally, so set your eyes on Him when it seems as if your world is falling apart and take your eyes off your problems.
If what you are going through brings you grief, remember, the more you focus your thoughts on it, the more you will lose perceptive in life. But when you choose to look to Him, you experience hope, strength and peace.
If you are on the brink of giving up on life, turn your eyes to God.
If you are wondering how will you look to a God, you don’t know, you don’t see and perhaps have never heard of, we have put together a short video that will tell you more about God and how you can get to know Him. Click on the banner below to watch it.