I recently watched the movie, The Shack. You may have read the book? It’s a very interesting story that really makes you think. Without giving away too much of the story, I’d like to share some lessons I learned from The Shack.

To just put you in the picture, the story centres around a loving father who tragically loses his little girl. Whether you read the book or watch the movie, I think there are powerful lessons we can learn.

God pursues us

This father lost his faith and trust in God. The movie is not about him begging God for answers or about him reaching out to God in any way. The Shack shows how relentless and powerful God’s pursuit of us is. Many times we can think that God is angry and aloof and we need to please Him and beg for His attention. We are the object of His affection and although I don’t quite understand how or why, I do know it to be true. From the garden of Eden where time began, right through to the end of our lives, God is pursuing us and wants to reveal Himself to us.

God is good even when life isn’t

Have you ever experienced a tragedy or hurtful situation in life? Many of us have. When this happens, our response can be the same of this father in The Shack. “God where were you when that happened?” “Why didn’t you stop it?” God is all-powerful and could stop anything from happening. Why He stops some disasters and not others will remain a mystery until we get to heaven. But the one thought that was so beautifully illuminated in the movie is that God is good regardless of what life throws at us. Because God is all-powerful, He is able to take the most awful things and turn them around for our benefit. He can take what evil meant to destroy us with and turn it around for our good.

If you happen to watch the movie, I pray that it will draw you closer to God and remind you of His goodness. It certainly did that for me.

If you have trouble understanding the goodness and love of God, we would love to chat to you and help. Click on the pop up banner or on the link below for more info.