Last night in Cleveland, USA, Donald Trump officially accepted the nomination to run as the Republican Presidential Candidate.

Simply put: he is closer to the White House now – more than any other time in his life.

I’m sure most of us are familiar with Trump’s many antics.

And whatever our opinion is of him, we have to accept that the Republicans have nominated their man. And if they – and him – are to succeed or even come close, then some things are going to have to change sooner rather than later.

Trump is famous for his “shoot from the hip” approach in his public speaking and speech delivery. This cannot persist.

Because from this point forward, everything he says will be under serious scrutiny. He will need to not only articulate himself like an adult, it will have to make sense and very importantly, it will have to be consistent. He cannot change his tune as the media cycle turns – he will be held to account. Donald Trump is probably one of the few presidential candidates to get this far without tangible “policies”. Much of his campaign has been off the cuff. This cannot hold for a man who will be responsible for the livelihood of millions of people.

Secondly, Trump needs to mature.

In his acceptance speech last night, Trump said the first order of business in his first day of office would be to ensure national security.

Enthusiastic as he may be, he needs to set some realistic targets.

Government cannot and will not operate like Trump Towers.

He cannot blurt out: “Get me a missile now, or else you’re fired!” That approach may have worked in Trump Towers, but the White House, the Senate, and Congress have rules and procedures to protect from dictatorships and abuse of power.

Even Barack Obama has had his fair share of resistance from Congress at the best of times.

So Mr Trump will have to get a crash course on how to manage a government within the boundaries of legislation and the Constitution.

Going forward, many expect Hilary Clinton to win this easily. If Trump is to stand a chance, he needs to clean up – and quickly.

People like a good laugh on the odd occasion, but when their livelihoods are threatened, they will and should make sensible decisions at the ballot box.

So if the Trump White House dream is to be realised, it is time for him to act his age and grow up!