I think by now most of us have taken our holiday leave and are in the midst of full on Christmas mode. Catching up with friends, dinners with loved ones, family outings, Christmas shopping, Christmas menu planning, outings to the malls, with fun activity planning here and there, the list goes on. Yup, the festive season can be full on.

This time of the year we hustle to make magic happen, we try so hard to fit everything in. Getting caught up in the holiday festivities can be quite stressful, overwhelming and exhausting. That’s why sometimes for most of us, Christmas leaves us feeling more exhausted and drained, than it does feeling refreshed. Sometimes we lose perspective and get caught up in the hustle when we should focus on  moments where we can pause, breathe, be present and soak in all the good that tends to pass us by when we are constantly busy.


Avoid feeling drained, and emotionally overwhelmed during the festive season by creating space and moments where you can pause, breathe and gather yourself. 

  • Remember the reason for the season.
  • Keep perspective.
  • Focus on the good.
  • Have down time moments.
  • Write lists and ask for help if need be.
  • Create space for fun moments with family and friends.
  • Read a good book.
  • Get outdoors.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  • Remember tomorrow is another day, a fresh start.
  • Don’t try to do it all in your own strength, commit your day to God every day.

Just know that we can’t please everyone all of the time, and we can only do what is humanly possible to the best of our ability. Do not put unnecessary pressure on yourself at this of year. Make your happiness a priority by allowing for some ‘down time’ moments. God wants to enjoy life, not to merely just endure it and survive through it. Make the most of these festive holidays.