Before I had a real relationship with God, I didn’t have any ambitions or motivation for life. I didn’t hate my life or anything; I just wasn’t passionate about doing anything with it but there is something about developing a relationship with God that starts to awaken something in you and starts to shape your desires in ways that you could never imagine. All of a sudden I cared about people that I didn’t care about before. I hated seeing orphans not being taken care of or meeting people who felt hopeless, unattractive and unwanted. I had to do something about it.
The more time I spent reading the bible and just getting to know the heart of God, the more I wanted to do and the more vision I had for my life. Suddenly I was inspired – I wanted to change the world! I wanted to see lives changed and I didn’t want to see that happen from the sidelines; I wanted to be a part of it! So I wrote down all my God inspired dreams – they were all big dreams – dreams I couldn’t attain unless I had some divine help to make their reality possible. I guess that was the point. If I was going to live life from the perspective of being in a relationship with a limitless, supernatural, all loving Being, I wasn’t going to hold back at all! I was going to dream big, pray big prayers and expect big.
Dreaming is great and expectation is exciting but as with most of us, I didn’t anticipate the waiting. The fulfillment of dreams takes time and the wait tends to leave us discouraged and less enthusiastic about our dreams so here are some truths that have helped me whenever I feel stuck between a dream and its fulfillment.
Who you are becoming is always more important than what you are doing. Whether or not you are currently in your dream job, how you do that job matters. Take time to develop your character because your talents may open up doors for you but it’s your character that will keep you there. Learn to be a good steward of your gifts, your relationships and your time so that you are better equipped to make the most of opportunities that come your way.
The journey is just as important as the destination – I’ve come to find that the more you grow, the more your dreams grow so the fulfilment of a dream is not achieved by reaching one set destination. By the time you make it to that destination, you will have probably set new goals and written a bigger vision. So I have learnt to practice contentment, celebrate every achievement and enjoy where I am while remaining focused on where I am going.
Don’t lose confidence in God – The bible encourages us to keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going, remembering that God always keeps His word. We need to remember that the confidence should be in God; not people or our abilities, but God. A God inspired dream is hard to sustain without the help of God. It would be incredibly foolish for us to use God for our inspiration to dream then attempt to make those dreams happen without seeking His help.
If you wish to know more about the God who inspires dreams, click on the link below.