Many of us need to be creative and stay creative. But what do you do when inspiration eludes you? Here’s a few thoughts on how to stay inspired.

Whether you’re writing or working on a project, fresh ideas are always necessary. However, if you’ve been doing something for some time, things can begin to feel stale. Perhaps inspiration that was once came easily is becoming more elusive.

Inspiration is a tricky thing. It cannot be manufactured or duplicated. It only takes a few minutes of staring at a blank page, a blank screen or blank canvas to realise you need inspiration and you need it now.

So how can you stay inspired? Here are a few things that help me:

  1. Read – I know this may sound elementary but it’s true. Read books, magazines and articles. You never know what may jump out at you and spark inspiration.
  2. Write – Jot thoughts down whenever they come to you. Often this is at 3am for me. If I don’t jot the thought down, I will inevitably forget it. You always think you’ll remember, but you won’t. Write it down.
  3. Breathe – I find that when I am in quiet and stillness, my brain can breathe. Many times, our brains are so busy trying to process the sensory overload, it has no capacity to think of something new.
  4. Wait – I always stress out when I need an idea but nothing is coming to my mind. However, without fail, when I need it, it comes. Trust that if you need an idea, it will come to you at the right time.

The Bible tells us that we have the mind of Christ. That means that I am not bound by my natural mind’s limitations. I can pray and trust that God will impart ideas and creativity to me in a supernatural way. Afterall, He is a creator God. In fact, He is the most creative being of all.

Cultivating your relationship with God keeps your soul healthy which facilitates inspiration. To know more about how to cultivate this relationship for yourself, click on the link below or on the pop up.

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