People like the idea of heaven. You probably enjoy the concept of shiny, gigantic, bright spaces with music and laughter. Where there is no sickness or pain, no crying or betrayal – just safety and good times. As much as heaven will definitely be all that, there is one element that is normally left out of the equation: God.

If you look at the Bible’s depiction of heaven, it is pretty clear that everyone will be constantly focussing on and celebrating God.

I can understand how this could be confusing… How am I meant to be having a good time – enjoying myself and loving this new life I have if I am constantly going to be worshipping God? Many people have made a confession to following Jesus on the premise of getting to heaven. I hope they don’t feel cheated when they realise it won’t be all about them.

When Jesus started his ministry, the Bible says that he went around saying, “Repent (change the way you live) for the Kingdom of God (heaven) is at hand“.  He also taught the disciples to pray “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth  as it is in heaven.” If what Jesus said is true, then heaven doesn’t begin for you when you die. Heaven – the Kingdom of God – is actually something that can be brought to your everyday life.

The Kingdom of God can be defined as a place where:

  1. God gets the glory
  2. God has control

The thing is that in your own life, you can bring God’s Kingdom into your reality. All you need to do is give God the glory he deserves and look to him to lead you. If you truly decide to trust God and make him the underlying focus of all you do, then God’s Kingdom is present.

And the cool thing is,I have experienced the other benefits of heaven here on earth. I have experienced healing. I have experience financial provision like nothing else. I have experienced rest while everything around me has been in turmoil. I have been given opportunities I never should have had. I have found my purpose as I have made my life about God and others.

Yes. There is still pain. Yes. There is still struggle. Yes. I still mess up. But an expression of heaven can be found on earth. In your life. It’s up to you whether you want it or not. If you want to be part of something way bigger than yourself. If you want to live inspired and excited – experiencing the fullness of God in your everyday routine. Click on the link below.

Do you have questions about Jesus or would like to know more? We would love to connect with you. Just click below to send us your questions!