2014 has arrived! It’s a time of new thinking, new diets, new resolutions, new relationships & maybe kicking a few bad habits to the curb.

There is a fresh excitement in the air and we are curious to know what this new year will bring.   We do a stock take of how far we have come and whether we have reached last year’s goals. Some we achieved, some we don’t even remember!

Whether it’s just another year to you or you really want to embrace this year to be the best yet, here are some of my thoughts and ‘new year resolutions’  that I’d like to share with you:

  • START each day with YOUR CREATOR – He already knows what is going to unfold during the next 24 hours.
  • BREATHE IN – you are alive and you woke up to another glorious day!
  • BREATHE OUT and give it to God – don’t give anxiety a foothold.
  • Be PRESENT – don’t live in the past or future.
  • LAUGH at yourself – SMILE – why so serious?? You will live longer and lower your blood pressure.  And you look much better when you wear a smile!  🙂
  • INVEST in true RELATIONSHIPS. The people you choose to spend your time with will shape your life in a good way or in a not so good way.
  • Concentrate on BEING HEALTHY (not thin) –  you are not your own & your body is a temple. Why not look & feel your best?
  • GIVE back – your money, your time, your energy
  • LOVE unconditionally – OK we know this is only possible with the help of God. But we are all called to LOVE people extravagantly and not to be the judge.
  • LIVE FEARLESSLY – don’t let fear rob you of anything
  • Live with ETERNITY in mind. Perspective. Know that you will live forever and no matter what happens in this life nothing can mess with what happens after it.

Maybe most importantly:

  • Be INSPIRED and take COURAGE because,

If God is for us, who then can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

What more do we need than this? The creator of the universe is on your side and wants to see you succeed in all your endeavors.  He created you to THRIVE and not just to merely survive or endure. In Him we have all we need.