I noticed at a very young age that I had an incredible attraction to music and singing.  Visiting my grandparents, I would always open their piano and start playing.  Even though I had no clue what I was doing, I loved it; and they allowed it – which was awesome!

When it came to singing, I knew I had a voice, but was incredibly shy, and did not enjoy singing in front of people.  The only time I ever sang was in the choir or at Eisteddfods.  I did manage to squeeze out a few notes in Sunday School so the other kids could sing along, but I hated it!

Only at around the age of 15 did I slowly begin breaking free from that fear and gradually became more and more confident to sing in public.

That’s just one example of how fear held me captive for so many years.  You see, we all have fears and insecurities and we all are limited by them.  If you’re not careful, doubt will kill you and all your dreams will suffer because of it.

No matter what your doubts are, remember, you are amazing, you have been blessed with talents and abilities that only you can excel at!

If you need help breaking free from doubt, please click on the banner below and contact us today.

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