Don’t look back – you’re not going that way.

It’s hard to stay focused and present in the now when we keep looking over our shoulders at what was. When we dwell on our past, we remain in a certain state of mind and we are unable to move forward. Some people, without realising it, live in their past failures, hurt, and disappointments. They struggle to move forward because they are letting their past consume and control them.

In my own life, there have been moments when I felt stuck and frustrated in the season that I was in. I just felt like I couldn’t move on, because my heart held on to the past. It’s a very frustrating place to be, because a part of you wants to move forward, but your heart and mind does not know how to let go of the past.

Thank goodness we have a choice when it comes to either living a life stuck in the past, or choosing to live a life that is filled with an overcoming spirit. I don’t know about you, but I want to enjoy my time here on earth. I want to experience all that God has in store for me. That means that I need to be brave enough to face my past, and step into my future with expectation and confidence knowing that God has gone before me and will walk with me every step of the way.


If you want to move forward and embrace new seasons ahead, maybe it’s time to do the following:

1. Accept what was, then let it go: Some people either live in denial of their past, or relive their past over and over. When we accept that whatever happened to us, happened, we acknowledge it. Through the acknowledging we then know that we have a choice to either let it control our future, or to forgive, let it go, and move forward.

2. Know who is in your future: Our future may seem uncertain at times, and that can be a daunting thought. However, when we realise that God is not only with us in the present, but that He is also in our future, we understand that we have nothing to fear. Therefore no matter the season or storm, we can walk confidently in and through it knowing God is with us and has gone before us.

3. Trust in God’s goodness: One of my favourite Bible verses that I hold on to is found in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plan I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. I have held onto this verse for many years now, and I believe it to be true for me and for you. When we understand that God’s plans for us are always good, and are always filled with hope,  we move with confidence into our future.

Friend, just know that you are dearly loved by God, and know that he is with you right now. He has already gone before you into your future. You can overcome any difficulty with God at your side. Your best days lay before you. If this post spoke to you and you want to know more about God, please click on the link below.