It is clear that we love football. I saw a statistic that over 1 billion people are watching the world cup. The record for tweets posted during the world cup was broken by over 10 million. The world almost comes to a standstill in this month. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to focus on any other sports. Many a birthday party or celebration was either cancelled or “merged” with watching a world cup game.  Football brought about emotional highs and lows that touched many hearts. When Netherlands lost in the semifinal against Argentina, the picture that sticks in my mind is of a boy sitting in his mother’s lap crying his eyes out. Arjen Robben went over and tried to console him. Whether that was his son, I cannot say. What is certain though is that this boy was distraught by the loss of his team and only the arms of his mother could comfort him, somewhat.

It’s clear that we love football. The question I think about sometimes is does God love football? I don’t believe God necessarily created football. I don’t get the picture of Him playing a one – two with Eve around the tree and then clinically finishing past Adam in goal.

God might not be passionate about football the way you and I are, but I do believe that He is passionate about you. The way we get excited about people, sport or things, God gets excited about us. I think God gets excited when we accomplish something we thought we couldn’t, whether that’s scoring a goal or passing an exam. He knows the potential within us so I get the picture of Him air punching when we do something that surprises us. I don’t think he is ever surprised though.

I almost hear God saying,


“Son, I always believed in you, I’m Glad you found belief in yourself”.


When we start to see ourselves the way God sees us, we have better picture of who we really are.

So, Does God love football? Yes and No

He loves and is passionate about you and because God loves you, and you love football, God loves football. If you loved chess, He would feel the same about that. God’s desire for our lives is that we will grow to love Him, and we will learn to know Him. God already knows everything about us. He loves us with a love that can’t be fully summed up in  words or thoughts.

The one thing He is waiting for, is for you to accept that love and enter into a relationship with Him…. So I guess now, the ball is in your court.