Heartbroken & Lonely

It’s that time of the year again. Christmas time is upon us. Without a doubt, in most malls around Africa and all over the world, it’s pretty much a given that Christmas tunes are coming through those little overhead speakers and changing the atmosphere everywhere. All around us on billboards and in TV ads, we are bombarded by images of family, happiness and gift-giving. This is supposed to be the most joyous time of the year.

Not so for everyone.

Perhaps you are one of those for whom this season is not all that it’s advertised to be. Instead of making you feel excited, the bells jingling all around you are driving you further within yourself and up the wall. You may even be in a room full of family and friends right now but still can’t understand why you feel so disconnected from everything.

Do you feel alone this Christmas?

There are times in life where we come to a place where our expectations are unmet and all hope seems to be lost. We often enter new calendar years with the feeling of “This is going to be my year!” and we all have dreams that whatever we couldn’t do in the previous year will be done this time around. Yet, as time passes, that confidence starts to fade and it all starts to look like a straight, uninspiring line again.

The festive season really should be a time of celebration and gratitude. Yet, it would be unfair to think that we all have it easy and are partying all the way. This post is a reflective one where we’re saying, “We know what it’s like to feel alone sometimes”. It’s quite possible that you occasionally check out our content here on 1Africa, but it’s also possible that you happened to come across this post and had never even heard of 1Africa. In the midst of all the pomp and noise, you might be feeling extremely anxious and all alone. This post is for you.

Life is not really about what we see on the outside. The human race is brilliant when it comes to putting up appearances and looking like we’ve got it made and yet, in actual fact, we die slowly and quietly from the hurt, pain, rejection and loneliness that is a part of the human condition.

If you feel alone this Christmas season, we want to hear from you. We invite you to click on the link below and check out the video where we hope you can discover a message about someone who cares deeply about you. Even if you just want to ask a question or just chat, we can promise that someone from our team will respond to you.