Shia LaBeouf Healed By Movie
The 29-year-old star has caused a stir in recent times with his bizarre behaviour - including interrupting a Broadway show and attending a premiere with a bag over his...
Would You Survive On Mars?
“It’s from Ridley Scott,” my geeky film friend said. “The guy who did Aliens and Prometheus.” His comment may as well have been alien, my knowledge of film makers...
Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer
If you a die hard fan of Avengers, you'll be pleased to know that the new Avengers trailer has been released. Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron. Marvel releases new look...
Big Up Africa: The 48 Hour Film Project 2014
This week on Big Up Africa, we check out a very exciting initiative that - though it isn't originally from Africa - may give African filmmakers an opportunity to...
Games of Thrones Season 5
The latest season finale of Game of Thrones Season 5 – ironically titled "Mother’s Mercy" (spoiler alert: there is mercy) – has left me reeling.
Because in all seriousness, what’s...
Can You Imagine A Life Like This?
Can You Imagine A Life Like This?
This week’s yesHEis video addresses a topic that is relevant to all of us, that of suffering from a broken heart. We have all had...
What Jennifer Lawrence said about the photo leak
There's nothing like a great fantasy movie or TV show to escape the hustle and bustle of fast-paced, high-pressure modern life. Of all the genres of visual entertainment, none...
Brain-dead or brain-fed?
You’re tired. After a long day involving a whole lot of people and many variables of stress, all you want to do is go home and escape. The truth...
Five Films About Africa To See This Summer
From searingly personal stories to pressing political narratives, here are the documentaries about the continent that are not to be missed.
Africa is becoming increasingly known for cutting-edge, politically charged...
Cinderella Trailer 2015
There is a huge trend in Hollywood to do live-action remakes of all our all-time favorite Disney classics. Cinderella is the latest story to make its way back to...