They can be famous for being selfie freaks and troublemakers (in the negative sense of the word), but the young people of our generation are definitely capable of much more than that. In today’s edition of Big Up Africa, we are celebrating a number of young people from the Commonwealth who are making a great positive impact in their communities and transforming lives. They are who I’d like to call young game changers! Whether providing support and education to women in rural areas or taking cupcakes into schools for children who have never celebrated their birthdays, these youngsters are relentless and should be celebrated!

So this year in June, 60 young people across the Commonwealth will form the first group to receive the Queen’s Young Leader Award in the UK – a program launched in July 2014 and running until 2018 – which aims to recognize outstanding people from age 18 to 29, who are spearheading positive changes in their communities using their skills. The winners of this award will not only collect their award from the Queen of England, but will also receive training and mentoring to help them continue the work they are doing in their communities.

To meet some of the winners and know their stories, Click here.

Here at 1Africa, we would like to say “kudos” to the 60 winners and also, to the many young Africans we may not know about, who are tirelessly working to make their communities a better place.