Rising at the earliest stage of her life to obey the call of duty and social change, 18 year old Miss Olasupo Olaide is one goal-oriented young lady who has deemed it fit to contribute to social change within the Nigerian youth. Today on our Big Up Africa feature we celebrate this young leader.

She’s the CEO/ Founder of The Hang Out With Olaide’s Youth Forum, a youth-led and rising social enterprise operating with a deliberate effort to effect a positive and smooth transition of the youth sector in personal, socioeconomic and national stages of development. This young lady is all about seeing positive change.

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Currently studying towards a degree in English Studies & Communications at Benson Idahosa University, she is a rising figure in the area of social change and someone to look out for and be reckoned with.

After reaching out to young people in over 5 states within the Federal Republic of Nigeria, she founded the organization within one year, spreading out resources and taking along with her skill acquisition programs, re-awareness campaigns on contemporary social vices and entrepreneurial intelligence.

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She has an upcoming show on the 27th December 2014 titled Fashion and Dance Over Drugs- The Power of Style

This show is the brainchild of Hang Out With Olaide’s Youth Forum. The show aims to promote youth awareness, development and alleviate poverty through enlightenment and empowerment. It’s an awareness drug and substance abuse event and is followed by a fashion runway show.

1Africa salutes Olaide and the wonderful work she is doing!