What if the big sins, the ones we try hardest to avoid, aren’t necessarily the greatest threat to the Church’s mission and our joy?

Maybe it’s the sins lying underneath, the ones considered “normal” or “acceptable,” the ones going undetected, that are affecting the Church the most. I want to address 5 sins the church ignores:


The phrases “do not fear” and “do not be afraid” appear 365 times in the Bible. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

Often, the Church is scared to make decisions out of fear. Christians are hesitant to step into dangerous situations out of fear. The catalyst for our obedience is fear.


Apathy’s best friends are passivity and entitlement. Together, they’re a vicious threesome.

There’s nothing mediocre or normal about God. His power is beyond comprehension and His love is beyond measure. The same God who created the universe and formed stars desires a relationship with you.

Yet, the attitude is often, “OK, God loves me. That’s great. What’s for lunch?” Our apathetic approach to God explains a lot about why people in our world aren’t lining up to become Christians.

I mean, think about it. How many Christians have you met that left you thinking, “Wow, I want to be like them?” But this should be the norm. In Scripture, when men and women truly experience God, everything changes. And apathy—toward God, toward other people and toward injustices—is no longer an option.


Gluttony is primarily about the heart. It’s a craving for excess. Gluttony tries to fill those voids God is supposed to fill with the gifts He’s given us.

But as we gorge our stomachs with food and flood our houses with trinkets, our discontent only increases.

Gluttony happens when you lose your awe of God. As long as your eyes are fixed on Jesus, your heart’s desire is for Him.


I like performing. I always have. And while there’s nothing wrong with the spotlight, there’s a lot wrong with making yourself the centre of it.

If your identity is tied to man’s praise, you’ll be eternally discontent. People are fickle. They’re for you one day, against you the next. They love you when you agree with them, dislike you when you don’t.

Jesus, however, didn’t need the praise and glory of men. He didn’t care what they thought. His only concern was doing the will of God. This attitude is what the world is desperate to see.

Let’s be honest, it’s hard to point people to Jesus if you need their approval.


Comfort might be the patriarch of the “church approved” sins family. When the church becomes comfortable, Christianity starts to die.

Christians must be extremely intentional with their thoughts and actions to avoid comfort. If not, you become resistant to change. You start making secondary issues primary. You begin to see the mission as catering to insiders rather than reaching outsiders.

The Church can’t be missional and comfortable at the same time. It’s time to make a decision.

If you need help breaking free from sin or if you feel your current lifestyle is holding you back from the more important things in life, please click on the banner below and contact us today.

Credit Edited:  relevantmagazine

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